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Grinding Machines

For smooth and error free grinding of different types of work pieces, we offer a heavy duty line of Grinding Machines, also popularly known as grinders, in various types and configurations. A high quality abrasive wheel is fitted in these machines to serve as a cutting tool. The abrasive wheel having a rough surface then shreds off pieces of the material that it works upon, as desired. Thus, shape and finish of objects can be modified using these machines, i.e., materials can be imparted with a high surface quality. Owing to excellent functionality and use of hard wearing materials in construction, these Grinding Machines can also take care of and effectively eliminate high volumes of metal in less time.

Key Product Features:

1) Comprises a bed with a fixed guide that holds the work piece in place.
2) The power driven wheel, the head of the grinder, etc., are all forged to perfection.
3) Specially designed machines for use in electrical, automobile and engineering industries.
4) Different variants are offer, including bench grinders, surface grinders, belt grinders, jig grinders, center less grinders, etc.

Centreless Grinding Machine TOS BB6

  • Product Type:Centreless Grinding Machine
  • Control System:Manual
  • General Use:Industrial
  • Computerized:No
  • Automatic:Yes

Cylindrical Grinder Shigiya GP-30B 40A

  • Product Type:Cylindrical Grinder
  • General Use:Industrial
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